terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008
Today in class we used the classmate again and the students continued with their researches; each group with its issue. Using the classmates to research and teaching in this new method is a good way to teach and learn English.
Jéssica Monique - class 05
Our English work helped us a lot, it has helped to increase our English vocabulary. Every time we had to translate a paragraph or a text we learned new words and expressions. We also learned a lot about the issues we researched, each of us learned a lot from this different activity organized for our teacher Fatima Bagatini.
Our group: Deborah, Paloma, Viviane, Caroline, Cássio and Caio - class 5
quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008
This project aims to develop the writing in English and I'm working with the first grades (classes 04 and 05) of Ensino Médio. We started it on March, 13th when the classes decided the subjects and divided the groups they will work.
First of all, we created this blog and, according to the students are doing their researches they are sending them by e-mail to add them in this space.
I hope you enjoy it.
Teacher Fátima
terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008
April 7th, 2008
Last class we read the other's group work and wrote a short paragraph. Everybody did his/her commentary and send to the teacher to correct it.
Today all the group joined to do the end of the research and summarized our issue in one paragraph in English. First we had a look on the blog and after we attached it in one file to send to the teacher.
Music-class 04
quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008
Today the precocious pregnancy is more and more common in society because
adolescents are starting their sexual life earlier.
Biana, Monna Marah, Valdiane, Rosane, Maria de Fatima, Prissila e Maris - class 05
I learned that the pregnancy in adolescence can be a simple mistake because
sometimes it brings to the world a child who the mom does not know how to take care of.
Bianca Reis - class 05
In our work we researched the effect of chocolate in animals and we found out
that a dog can die if it eats chocolate. We learned also that chocolate is
considered a drug because it contains caffeine and other chemical substances.
One of the substances presents in chocolate causes the feeling of happiness.
Viviane da Cruz Rodrigues. Class 04
terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008
The work was interesting, we learned about the origin of the films and how film-makers produced the first film, the equipment used and the evolution of the film in the world.
Adriano - class 05
According to our researches the internet appeared without the creators will. It was developed in ancient times during the Cold War with the name of ArphaNet to keep the communication of the military bases of the United States.
Student: Pricylla Araujo, Isamara, Caroline Ferreira, Marcondys.
Class: 05
Our class has been very productive, all students are working with the research. We completed our work today.
Caroline Brito Pacheco - class 05
We did the research on the site (www.google.com.br) about the pregnancy during the adolescence and we found several different subjects but we preferred to talk about the problems which it can cause: the healthy and the psychological problems and the deficiency during the growth of young girls.
Group: Bianca, Monna Marah, Valdiane, Maria de Fátima, Rosane, Prissila Frazão and Maris Sabrina
Class: 05
Beauty has been one of worried today not only for women but also for men. They want to be more and more beautiful every day.
Gabriela - class 05
On the first day in class we chose the group and the issue we liked to work about. I loved our subject because it is about beauty.
Gabriela - class 05
Today, the majority of women are worried about their beauty to be tidy and always be beautiful.
Celoni - class 05
Music is an artistic phenomenon that follows the evolution of humanity
until the pre-history, and t is inserted in the evolution of the people, in the history of art, and in the history of European classical music. This concept is related to the idea of its emerge of the musical art in Ancient Greece, but it is true that the musical expression is still far more ancient. Studies indicate the emergence of instruments during the Neolithic period.
Group: Caroline Brito,Cassio,Déborah,Paloma e Caio.
segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2008
History of Internet
Marcondys and Pricylla did the reserch about the history of internet on March, 18th, 2008 on the site
www.google.com.br and we read about many interesting things..
Music - Class 005
We (Caroline Brito, Caio,Paloma e Viviane),did the research
on the site www.google.com.br and www.cade.com.br about music.
There are some interesting topics about the origin of the music.
History of cinema
Today (March 18th, 2008) we (Adriano, Winicius, Thauan, Rafael and Valesca) used your English lessons
to do a research about the movie history on the site www.google.com.br with the help of substitute teacher.
After starting the history page with the index of the movie history where we found several topics we used to conduct
our work summarizing a part of the origin and the first appliances, later we developed the rest of the work which we
will hand to you next class.
In the first day, the teacher talked with the students about an English project which we had to do a research
about a subject we would like to work during the English classes.
In our first class we researched about the origin of the movies because this is the subject we chose.
Eletronic Games
Today in the English class we started producing our theme:
the electronic games that talks about several kinds of electronic games, the goal the games and
brings the enjoyment to you when you practice it and know it really because some games show the reality of our day by day.
Short Movies
Internet Language - Cácio's Group - 17/03
On March, 17th we produced the first part of the English work. We are talking about the Internet language and its infuence in other languages as Portuguese,for example.
Music. Nagilla's Group on 17/03
Music is a form of art which consists of sound and silence. Elements of music are pitch (which performs melody and harmony), rhythm (it´s associated with concepts of time, meter, and articulation), dynamics, structure, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.
Postagens (Atom)
- Paulo Henrique,
- Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil
- segredo *-*